About Tina

Tina grew up in a small town in Southern Vermont fostering a love for the mountains, skiing and the outdoors as a whole. Moving west in 2007, she lives with her husband in Salt Lake City, Utah. With a passion for traveling the world, their philosophy is to acquire experiences over things. Therefore, their motto is to Get Out And Live Spontaneously (GOALS).

Yoga came into Tina’s life in 2001, while training as an alpine ski racer. Over the years yoga continuously drew her back to the mat. In 2008, Tina was faced with the decision to pursue a Masters in Sports Psychology or dive into a 6 month Yoga Teacher Training. She chose yoga. Once completing the 600 HR training with D’ana Baptiste and the InBody Academy, Tina knew she had a gift for teaching. However her drive to become a high level alpine Ski Race Coach was still alive. So teaching yoga became a part-time job for the next 10 years. Though, as the years went by the desire to learn about herself grew. Thus she began spending more time on the mat, attending workshops, and investing in learning the teachings of this ancient practice.


In 2015, a young student athlete Tina had worked with, died in an avalanche. This tragic event shifted everything and altered the trajectory of her life. During this challenging time of depression and mixed emotions, her yoga practice was there to keep her grounded. In December of 2017 Tina found herself sitting next to her husband in a beautiful bamboo shala in Bali. The drops of rain outside mirrored the tears running down her cheeks. They were exactly where they were supposed to be. This studio, The Practice, would serve as the next chapter in the evolution of her practice. In 2018, Tina immersed herself in a 200 HR YTT with The Practice, studying Tantric Hatha with Octavio Salvado, Karina Guthrie, and Brad Hay. A truly transformative training experience that has changed her teachings as well as her life.

Tina has studied and practiced with a diverse group of teachers, gaining wisdom and inspiration from each of the following: Octavio Salvado, D’ana Baptiste, Michel Bleier, Noah Maze, Karina Guthrie, Edy McConnell, Brad Hay, and many more! Nowadays, Tina finds herself more stable and grounded while living a dynamically vibrant life. Her desire is to share these findings with everyone.


Ardha Chandrasana or Half Moon Pose. This is standing balance gives immediate feedback on my state of mind. There is no hiding a distracted mind as I’ll teeter and totter, but there is also no denying presence. A calm mind yields a beautifully expansive expression of this standing balance.


Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?”

By : Marianne Williamson


Yoga has influenced every part of my life. It continues to keep me humble as there is always something to learn. I love how time on the mat can shift our perspective. It is inspiring to see this shift in energy and how expansive a shift it can be, permeating into both physical and mental states.

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